Our salmon fishes come from either Norway or Tasmania. (空运冰鲜三文鱼)
Air-flown fresh Salmon farmed in Norwegian cold & clean waters off the coast of Norway. A versatile fish prepared with the skin on for ease of cooking and to give a fuller flavour. Cold Water seafood generally takes a longer time to grow thus this gives more fat to the fish. Our sashimi-grade Salmon has a mild to rich flavour with a tender, flaky texture.
Nutritional value: Rich in protein, vitamin A, D, and B12, antioxidants, and Omega-3s.
Best way to cook: Bake, Fry, Saute & Steam
* All fish are gutted, cleaned and immediately vacuum-packed to maintain freshness
* Gutting & Scaling will reduce the gross weight of fish by 10-15%
* 100% preservatives and additives-free
* Fish sizes will vary depending on the catch of the day. We will always adjust the weight to the value you paid